Skate Academy Booking Platform

Adult Learn to Skate and Skate Academy

Ice Zoo Skate Academy Learn to Skate has migrated to our new booking platform, on this platfrom customers will be able to book  lessons and a request for payment of  lesson online is also required.  New users will find all our usual classes and the advanced features of a Sign In to a customer area to view all your bookings and history.   This platform will give you the ability to purchase your lesson pass on the same platform and have the purchase translated into credits for your preferred ice skating lessons.  This feature is only available to current registered members and once you have paid your registration fees the option will be visible.  For current Adult Learn to Skate members your information has been moved over and you only require to use the email you supplied on your registration form and then reset your password.

At this time of year all registration membership renewal is required and the option is not visible.

Our Skate Academy students will have their information moved to the new platform in the next few days, again parents please log in under the email address you provided and reset your password.

Please join us on either Registration Day, 20th or 27th January 2024 from 8.30 am until 11.30 am for more information and a quick demonstration.